

At the last AI Lab’s weekly Research Meeting, VUB PhD student Elias Fernandez shared his team’s work with the audience. The study focuses on human behaviour in the context of collective endeavours characterized by uncertain, long-term, and non-linear returns. For instance, anthropogenic climate change, public health measures or even group hunting. 
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The AI Experience Centre was launched yesterday (21st of November 2019) with great success. AI experts came together to celebrate this new space which promotes collaboration between research and industry with an emphasis on ethical AI. The attendees enjoyed a series of talks to then have first hand experience the Centre’s AI demonstrations. VUB Rector...
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Several months have been dedicated to the development of the AI Experience Centre. 200 AI-related researchers from four research groups have joined forces to conceptualize a space where the VUB can demystify and showcase both the opportunities and the dangers of AI to the general public, the industry, and the policy makers. The AI Lab...
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This year the AI Synergies Conference has attracted an unprecedented number of attendees from both the academia and the industry. The Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels in conjunction with the ULB Machine Learning Group organized the summit with the purpose of bringing together experts from different sectors. AI Synergies combined a B2B conference with two academic conferences,...
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The AI Lab welcomes Lara Verheyen. The researcher joined the Evolutionary and Hybrid AI team to complete her PhD.
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The past week we have welcomed Rocs Canoy, student of Prof. dr. Tias Guns from Data Analytics Lab, who shared his work on learning preferences for vehicle routing from historic solutions. The presentation elaborated on Canoy’s investigation on a decision support system for vehicle routing which prompts the routing engine to learn from the subjective...
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Research Meeting with Dan Stowell (Queen Mary University of London) We were more than happy to receive this week Dan Stowell, Senior Research Fellow at the Queen Mary University of London, to hear him present his exiting research about bird communication: “Machine learning to uncover structure in bird vocal communication” Abstract Animal communication is a...
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The VUB Research Group SMIT (Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology) is looking for a new colleague. Do you… …speak Dutch? …have a good technical background? …want to join the Databuzz team? Check out the offer and apply before the end of this month!   Download the full offer below: Databuzz_vacature_imec-SMIT-VUBDownload
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Last Thursday, Tom Willaert, post-doctoral researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Lab, gave us an interesting talk about The ODYCCEUS Project – Opinion dynamics and cultural conflict in European spaces His presentation explored the potential of digital methods for the study of on-line opinion dynamics. Concretely, the talk outlined the philosophy and methods of the Horizon2020...
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Members from the AI Lab (Prof. Bart Bogaerts) and DataLab (Prof. Tias Guns, Rocs Canoy), have in collaboration with Jens Claes (a former master student of Prof. Bart Bogaerts at KU Leuven) won the holy grail challenge 2019. For this challenge, they developed a tool that translates so-called logic grid puzzles from natural language into...
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