

AI Lab researcher Pieter Libin made it to the final of the VUB Doctoral Derby, which will take place on Thursday 25th June 2020 at 16h. He will be presenting his research on AI techniques that can create prevention strategies to mitigate the effects of epidemics. You can register for the event here, which will allow...
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The webinar will discuss how AI techniques such as predictive modelling and reinforcement learning can be used to improve prevention and exit strategies. One of the featured topics will be the PhD research of Pieter Libin, which he recently defended (see this news article). When? June 3rd 2020, 11.00-12.00 More info: .
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The AI Experience Centre is happy to announce the ‘VUB AI Webinar series: AI & Data-driven solutions amid the COVID-19 crisis‘ each of which invites experts from various research fields to share their work on AI & Data-driven solutions in relation to the COVID-19 crisis. The Webinar Series will kick-off next week on Monday, May 11, 2020:...
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Jelena Grujic, a post doc researcher of the Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels, teamed up with Riccardo Gallotti, a researcher at FBK (Fondazione Bruno Kessler), had been playing with an idea for years: can we use Game Theory experiments and Neuroscience models to investigate social and anti-social human behaviour.  In November 2019, their paper was published....
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Pieter Libin successfully defended his PhD research on Wednesday 15th April. Because of the social distancing circumstances currently applied to Belgium, Pieter presented his research to a remote jury, via conference call. The defence was broadcasted on YouTube Live. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support decision makers in managing the COVID-19 crisis across multiple dimensions. However,...
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Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, visited the AI Experience Centre prior to the announcement of the Commision’s plans for Artificial Intelligence The VUB AI Experience Centre, which is also supported by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), welcomed the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. After her visit,...
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Telenet enters into a strategic partnership with KU Leuven, VUB, ULB and BeCode to enable lifelong learning for their employees Telenet, together with KU Leuven, VUB, ULB and the BeCode programming school, is setting up an ‘Academy for Digital & Data Talent’ to strengthen the digital knowledge and technical skills of their employees through initial and further training as well as...
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This year’s first research meeting was led by Ana Bazzan, professor at the Informatics Institute of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She has visited The AI Lab for three weeks this winter and introduced her work titled ‘Similar yet Different: the Structure of Social Networks of Characters in...
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To regulate or not: a social dynamics analysis of the race for AI supremacy Tom Lenaerts has shared his work with the audience at this week’s Research Meeting. The project addresses the concept of ‘AI race’ and its social and normative impact that stem from the rapid advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other intelligent...
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The AI Lab is proud to welcome the Cuban researchers Yailen Martinez Jimenéz and Jessica Coto Palacio in our institute and assist them in their research. They work together with Ann Nowé, the head of the Artificial Intelligence Lab, on the research titled ‘Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Tool for Job Shop Scheduling Problems’. The project focuses...
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