AI Lab welcomes visiting researcher Filippo Carnovalini

The AI Lab is proud to welcome the Italian PhD student Filippo Carnovalini. He will be supervised by Prof. Geraint Wiggins to work on the creation of a novel music composition algorithm that uses explicit structural information.

In his PhD project, he uses algorithms based on music theory, namely Schenkerian analysis, to describe hierarchical structural features of a musical piece. Together with Prof. Wiggins he is trying to design a more refined multi-hierarchical knowledge representation that has the double goal of modeling the cognitive aspects of the ideation of a composition in the mind of the composer and to allow a music generation algorithm to describe structural constraints that can guide the composition process towards a more human-like musical piece. 


Filippo Carnovalini received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Computer Science at the University of Padova. While completing his academic studies he also attended Padova’s Conservatory of Music, completing the base course in Mandolin. After the degrees, he joined the Brain, Mind and Computer Science PhD program of the University of Padova in 2018, under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Rodà, and started researching Computational Creativity and algorithms for the generation of music. 

Update: Because of the ongoing COVID19 crisis, Filippo unfortunately had to return home, but we look forward to continuing our collaboration and hope he can visit us back soon.