In the Automated Posture Analysis that Scales (APAX), our ambition is to apply existing ongoing research and inspire academics for future works to help automate the analysis of threats and challenges in CyberSecurity.
Industry partners
Research partners
The APAX-project has the following goals: achieving additional knowledge leading to the development of efficiency gains (Toreon, Ceeyu), new services (Awingu, Ceeyu) and new products (Ceeyu, Toreon, Awingu).
The partners fundamentally aim to further automate the process of security assessments, which are required in order to support their clients and users achieving improved CyberSecurity
The research will be directed towards knowledge-driven contextual multi-armed bandits (CMABs) in the scope of automated vulnerability assessments and knowledge engineering for learning sample efficiency. Furthermore, CMABs and reinforcement learning will be applied within the context of network test prioritization and information gathering.
Project Info
Start 01/03/2022
End 28/02/2024
Funding Vlaanderen Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen (VLAIO ICON)
Members Prof. Dr. Johan Loeckx, Dr. Leticia Arco García, Dr. Corneliu Cofaru