Visit by Bruno Liebhaberg and Didier Reynders of CERRE

On October 7, we were honoured to welcome European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders and Bruno Liebhaberg, Director General of the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) for a private visit to the AI Experience Centre of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

In presence of our rector Caroline Pauwels, and with our experts from the field of AI, Data and Robotics research, we were able to present the European Commissioner what AI innovation is about, what opportunities it brings, taking into account the challenges e.g. to rights of all individuals, as well as companies and governments.

As the Brussels Office of CLAIRE, we also highlighted the role Europe has to play in next generation human-centric AI Research & Innovation #ai4good #aiforall, by creating a strong European network of AI expertise.

An interview with the European Commissioner can be found here on YouTube.