All the master thesis proposals are now centralized and published by all the labs at the same time.
Please note that you are expected to write a thesis in the area of the specialization/profile you have chosen or will choose for your master’s degree: for example, students of the Artificial Intelligence profile are expected to write a thesis on an artificial intelligence topic. In principle, it is also possible to propose your own topic, but you will still need to find a researcher to guide you with your thesis, whose area of expertise should match your topic.
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(Only for VUB Master Student)
If you have your own idea for a master thesis, please come see us (Pleinlaan 9, 3rd floor, on the right after the elevators). The AI lab does research in many more areas than covered in the few lectures we are able to fit in a Master’s program, so we can always find someone to supervise you or propose you an idea that interests you. The different areas in which the AI lab has expertise are listed here.
Students from the one year Master Toegepaste Informatica are supposed to do their thesis in a company or together with a company. VUB professors can take the role of internal promoters. Please contact Johan Loeckx for information on collaborations between the AI lab and industry.
Artificial Intelligence Lab (DINF)
Pleinlaan 9
1050 Brussel, 3rd floor
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.