Job Offer


Are you a computer scientist with an interest in psychology? Do you want to advance the state-of-the-art in Artificial Intelligence while also improving our understanding of the human brain? Does interdisciplinary research spark your interest? The Artificial Intelligence Lab at VUB university is looking for an enthusiastic and motivated PhD-student to work on an interdisciplinary...
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Project Description We are glad to announce the launch of a new research project based on the collaboration between the Mathematics and Data Science (MADS) research group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Centre for Reproductive Medicine at UZ Brussel (Brussels IVF). This project aims at helping the field of assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
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We are hiring! PhD position to use machine learning for real-time decision making There is currently an open PhD position in machine learning applied to real-time decision making, under the supervision of prof. Pieter Libin.We are looking for a PhD candidate to conduct research in the context of decision-making using a combination of reinforcement learning...
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We are hiring! PhD and postdoc position to use machine learning to investigate Brugada syndrome There are currently two open positions in machine learning applied to computational biology, under the supervision of prof. Pieter Libin and prof. Bart Bogaerts.We search a PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher to conduct machine learning research in the context of computational...
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We are hiring! There are currently two open positions for PhD students in knowledge representation and reasoning, under the supervision of Prof. Bart Bogaerts. The start date is flexible, but preferably at the latest October 1st 2021. In the first vacancy, we search a researcher in the domain of combinatorial search and optimization methods. More ...
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The VUB Research Group SMIT (Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology) is looking for a new colleague. Do you… …speak Dutch? …have a good technical background? …want to join the Databuzz team? Check out the offer and apply before the end of this month!   Download the full offer below: Databuzz_vacature_imec-SMIT-VUBDownload
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