Short-term consultancy

At the VUB AI lab, we specialise in techniques that apply to:

  • Energy and resource efficiency (optimization of water management and smart grids)
  • Climate (control of green energy such as wind turbines, solar panels and green hydrogen plants)
  • Manufacturing (process optimization, adaptive systems, robustness, human-robot collaboration)
  • Human-AI interactions (Transparency, explainability, adaptive systems for user preferences and habits)

If you wish to know whether our expertise could be a good fit to your problem, or increase the performance of your processes, our team proposes:

  • A first 2 hours meeting with our experts to identify your problem and needs, free of charge.
  • A 2 days feasibility study (go, no-go), at the end of which you will know if a solution, or a gain in performance can be achieved using our methods.
  • A 1 to 2 weeks mission, at the end of which we will implement and deliver a solution tailored to your specific needs.

Feel free to contact us at