Artificial Intelligence (AI) is believed to be a key driver of the 4th industrial revolution that will transform the economy and reinvent the nature of our work. We will increasingly be supported by and interact with technology that is powered by Artificial Intelligence. This calls for an education that prepares us for this future.

FAIaS intends to hone the skills, both hard cognitive and soft skills, required to understand, build or interact with Artificial Intelligence. We thus consider AI, not in the narrow, purely technological sense, but in the broad sense, as it impacts many different parts of our lives. We, therefore, choose decisively for an interdisciplinary and inclusive approach that focuses not only on STEM activities but involves all school subjects and covers a broad range of aspects, including the ethical, philosophical, economic, legal, and historical. We believe that approaching a subject matter from different perspectives deepens the understanding, and creates cohesion between the learners in an intrinsically interdisciplinary field like Artificial Intelligence.


FAIaS’ ultimate goal is to improve the knowledge of artificial intelligence on children and youngsters. We break down this goal into the following high-level objectives:

  1. Improve high school students understanding of AI technologies and their impact.
  2. Provide teachers across subjects with online and offline tools & guidelines that can be readily integrated into their courses.
  3. Improve the knowledge of minorities and underprivileged groups in society specifically, through non-formal education.
  4. Build an online, interactive tool to let pupils and teachers experiment with AI





Project Info

Start   September 2020

End     August 2023

Funding   EU Erasmus+

Members Johan Loeckx, Marjon Blondeel