Developing AI tools for sharing intelligence on the local labour markets of VET graduates

Founded by Erasmus+, this European project aims at co-creating transparent and significant skills intelligence on VET at the local level by articulating local databases (of graduates, internships, jobs), artificial intelligence, social science research on skills ecosystems and the social construction of technology as well as qualitative data (interviews and focus groups).


Between 2023 and 2026, AIVET will pilot innovative solutions in Barcelona, Sofia, and Vienna, combining:
– Advanced statistical analyses.
– Interviews with graduates and focus groups with employers.
– AI-driven insights for robust and actionable intelligence.

The goal is to ensure VET programmes align with local skills needs, creating better opportunities for learners and stronger communities. Participatory workshops and a training activity will disseminate the conclusions.


Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona – Spain

Universitat Wien – Austria

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology – Bulgaria
(Институт по философия и социология)

Consell General de Cambres Oficials de Comerç de Catalunya – Spain


Project Info

Start  01/12/2023

End    30/11/2026

Funding European Commission, Erasmus+

Members Prof. Dr. Johan Loeckx, Dr. Corneliu Cofaru

Project website: AIVET