Information Retrieval

Geraint A. Wiggins
Course description
Course Content:
  • Basic IR Models (boolean, vector-based, probabilistic); Basic Indexing Techniques; Term Weighting and Scoring
  • Web Search
  • Relevance Feedback and Query Expansion
  • Semantic Search
  • Information Seeking Paradigms
  • Evaluation of information retrieval systems
Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course, students will be able to: 

  • Describe the different information retrieval models, and to compare their weaknesses and strengths. [Learning Objective 1]
  • Compare the weaknesses and strengths of different indexing techniques, describing their most suited applications trough meaningful examples. [Learning Objective 2]
  • Compare the weaknesses and strengths of different querying techniques, describing their most suited applications trough meaningful examples. [Learning Objective 3]
  • Analyse the performance of an Information Retrieval system by applying the proper evaluation measures. [Learning Objective 4]
  • Design and develop (Web) Information Retrieval systems, possibly using advanced social and se- mantic search functionalities. Support and defend the relevance and correctness of his/her choices with regards to the adopted information retrieval model, indexing technique, and querying tech- nique. [Learning Objective 5]

All detailed and official information about the course here >