
A joint initiative of 3 research groups for all services, software, advice and research related to AI.

How can AI help your company?

The Artificial Intelligence Lab provides professional services to industrial partners:

Are you as a company interested to learn more about AI, without having a specific project in mind? We are always looking for companies to help shape our research in a direction that can lead to solid valorization towards society. Please contact us at if you are interested in knowing more.

We propose services such as: short group sessions for professionals eager to discover AI, audits to help you identify AI opportunities in your company, and short-term consultancy missions to directly provide a solution to your problem.

Moreover, our team has a lot of experience with submitting project proposals, be it for Flanders (FWO SB, VLAIO), Brussels (Innoviris R&D) or European (Horizon Europe Research Innovation Actions) funding. We are always glad to meet new partners from the industry to write project proposals with, as well as other research groups. Feel free to contact us.


The Artificial Intelligence Lab, together with The Digital Mathematics group and the Data Analytics Lab, is part of the cross-faculty Artificial Intelligence Lab, a consortium of 3 VUB research groups collaborating on responsible AI.

The Artificial Intelligence Lab is also a member of Brubotics, a multidisciplinary consortium of 8 research groups of the VUB, performing research on Human Robotic technology such as exoskeletons, social robots, artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction, robotic revalidation, prosthetics, collaborative robots and many others.




European Commission

Contact our business developers.

We continuously investigate how we can help companies become more innovative and increase their excellence through the potential of AI. Contact us for training, consultancy and short or long-term collaboration through thesis students, applied PhDs or research projects.