
Installing Babel2 on Mac OS

  1. Download and install Carbon Emacs.
  1. Download Clozure Common Lisp (choose the x86 version if you have an Intel Mac). Unpack the archive or mount the .dmg file and then move the ccl folder somewhere where you want to keep it, for example to your home directory (or, if you know how to do that, to /usr/local/ccl).
  1. If you have Fink or Darwinports installed (and know what that is), then use it to install Graphviz and Gnuplot. Proceed to step 6.
  1. Download and install Graphviz] from here (for Macosx 10.4 or earlier from here).
  1. For Gnuplot, download Octave (Octave is a mathematics program that includes Gnuplot) from here (scroll down to the latest version and then download the octave-xxx-i386.dmg for Intel Macs or octave-xxx-ppc for older Macs). Mount the disk image, go to the “Extras” folder and copy from there to your Application folder.
    Next, open your (in Applications/Utilities, or use Spotlight) and type:
      cd /usr/local/bin/
      sudo ln -s /Applications/ ./gnuplot

This will make sure that the installed gnuplot can be found by the Lisp. It will ask for your password.

  1. Download the latest Slime (use “cvs snapshot in tarfile format”), unpack it, rename the unpacked folder slime-xxxx-xx-xx to slime and move it somewhere where you want to keep it, for example to your home directory (or, if you know what your are doing, to /usr/local/slime).
  1. For configuring your Emacs, use a text editor to create a plain text file called .emacs (without extension) in your home directory (~/.emacs) with this content (adapt the paths to your slime and to your ccl):
       '(show-paren-mode t))
       '(size-indication-mode t)
       '(tool-bar-mode nil)
       '(transient-mark-mode t)
       '(column-number-mode t)
       '(indent-tabs-mode nil)
       '(make-backup-files nil))
      (set-face-foreground 'font-lock-string-face "navy")
      (setq mac-allow-anti-aliasing t)
      (require 'mac-key-mode)
      (mac-key-mode 1)
      (pc-selection-mode 1)
      (setq mac-option-modifier 'meta)
      (add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/loetzsch/slime")
      (require 'slime)
      (slime-setup '(slime-repl slime-autodoc slime-fancy-inspector))
      (setq inferior-lisp-program "/Users/loetzsch/ccl/dx86cl64")
      ;; use this on a 32Bit Mac
      ;;(setq inferior-lisp-program "/Users/loetzsch/ccl/dx86cl")
      (command-execute 'slime)
  1. Done! When you start Emacs it hopefully automatically starts a Lisp and looks like this:
  1. If not, then something in the steps above went wrong, try again.
  1. Take 30 minutes to read how to use Emacs together with Lisp and then follow the instructions for setting up Babel2.
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 12/14/11 16:08:11

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