Casparo is a tragicomic opera. The music is in Baroque style and the performance is enhanced with live robot technologies and visual animations. The opera had its premiere in the Palau de la Musica in Barcelona in 2011 and has since been performed in Brussels, Paris and Tokyo. Here is the story:
The humanoid robot Casparo is bought by the greedy Graziano who hopes to get rich by having him participate in cooking contests. But Casparo needs to be taught everything. Progressively Casparo no longer obediently follows the commands of Graziano but pursues his own interests in music, which was triggered earlier when the imprinting procedure erroneously caused Casparo to become attached to Graziano's wife Rosalinda. Graziano tries to regain control by using the Kurzweil helmet that makes it possible to transfer his own brain state to that of Casparo. But due to a software glitch, it is the brain state of Casparo which gets transferred to Graziano instead, with some dire consequences...