Dr. Femke Ongenae

Dr. Femke Ongenae graduated from Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering in Summer 2007. A month later she joined the research group of Piet Demeester, IBCN (Intec Broadband Communication Networks) as a PhD student. On the 1st of January 2009, she received a PhD grant from the IWT, Institute for the Support of Innovation through Science and Technology, to work on the research of knowledge discovery and management for eHealth appications using ontologies. During this time, she worked on several eCare projects to improve the continuous care of patients in institutionalized care settings. She received her PhD in August 2013, and she is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the IBCN research group. She does research in the area of knowledge management and discovery, specifically focusing on the use of semantic web technologies and ontologies for the optimization of continuous care.  


Universiteit Gent