Prof. Dr. Wolfgang De Meuter

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang De Meuter is a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He leads a research group that is working on ambient-oriented programming, distributed middleware, RFID-enabled applications, cloud-oriented programming techniques, participatory sensing and reactive programming. He is the author of numerous publications in programming language engineering and won the Dahl-Nygaard Junior prize in 2008. He has been active in organizing several workshops at ECOOP and OOPSLA. He was the workshop chair of ECOOP05 and the PC- Chair of Coordination11. He took the initiative to organize the ECOOP work- shop series on Object-oriented Language Design for the Post-Java Era which was the direct precursor of the Revival of Dynamic Languages workshop se- ries which finally ended up in the Dynamic Languages Symposium at Splash. He has served on several PCs of Splash and ECOOP. He currently guides 19 PhD students and participates in numerous national and international research projects.



Vrije Universiteit Brussel