Rugby Atelier


The goal of this atelier is to have fun learning the basic rules of rugby!

During the atelier, we will focus on how to understand and play rugby, with special focus on attacking, passing and defending (without tackling).

Each day we will start with some warm-up exercises, then we will do to some specific exercises (each day we will be focused on a different topic) and we will end up playing rugby touch.

The only requierement is to bring some sport clothes and want to enjoy the course! Previous experience is not necessary.


Miquel Cornudella graduated in Computer Engineering and took the MSc course of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. He has been working on several projects at UPF during the last two years. At the moment he is working in the Language Evolution research group at the Insitute of Evolutionary Lingustics (IBE) CSIC-UPF.

He started to play rugby at the age of 11. He has been a rugby coach for the FC Barcelona rugby academy for seven years.