Film Atelier

Directed by Jean-Christophe Baillie.
The film atelier will explore the particular approaches cinema has developed to convey meaning in a purely visual and dynamic way. We will review some of the most well know techniques of filmmakers and illustrate them through famous film extracts (Kubrick, Scott, Coen Brothers, Murnau, ...) that we will analyze and discuss. In a second stage, we will try to come up with new creative ways to express the same meaning seen in selected scenes, but with a completely different visual strategy, always using image and non-verbal information only. It will then be our turn to try to film the same scene using a small digital camera, but with this new point of view! Will the audience be able to understand what we meant?
Requirements: none. Bring a digital film camera if you have one. 

Main themes of the atelier:
* Script writing is not novel writing
* Show, don't tell!
* Planting / Payoff
* Perspective shift


Dr. Jean-Christophe Baillie graduated in Computer Science and Physics from the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris. He received the PhD in Artificial Intelligence from University of Paris 6 and Sony Computer Science Lab and then founded the Cognitive Robotics Lab in ENSTA/ParisTech. At ENSTA he worked on developmental robotics research and computational language evolution, and designed the Urbi operating system and language as a tool to control complex robotics systems. In 2006, he founded the startup Gostai, to further develop the Urbi technology, which has been acquired by Aldebaran Robotics in 2012. He is now the Chief Science Officer at Aldebaran where he directs the A-Lab facility focused on applied and fundamental research in robotics. On the side, he has been involved in several movie projects in early 2000, wrote seven scripts, and directed two shorts films, while doing some script doctoring for the Maison du Film Court in Paris.