CASPARO synopsis

Act I

Graziano is a technology enthusiast who has bought a humanoid robot, called Casparo, hoping that it will make him rich by winning cooking contests. Rosalinda is his demanding wife who is less than amused that the household budget is spent on such gadgets. She is rather interested in beauty, singing, and having a good time. When Graziano goes off for a walk with the family’s Aibo dog, Rosalinda inadvertently turns on the robot. The imprinting procedure starts and Casparo gets tuned in to Rosalinda. When Rosalinda sees that Casparo is alive, she gets scared and faints, Casparo crashes. Graziano returns in panic believing that Rosalinda is dead. When Rosalinda wakes up, the couple finds back harmony and love.

Act II

Graziano restarts setting up Casparo with regained enthusiasm. He uses the remote control to move different parts of Casparo, but fails in his attempts to make him speak. However as soon as he impatiently left, Casparo starts to utter his first words. Graziano gets back noticing that Casparo does talk and he then calls up the help desk to see how to proceed further. Elisa explains to him that Casparo is a developmental robot which needs to be taught everything, even how to walk. Graziano therefore starts to show Casparo various movements. This works so well that Casparo takes over and begins dancing movements. Rosalinda joins in the fun but the dancing speeds up dangerously and ends in another crash. Graziano leaves in anger, Rosalinda conforts Casparo in a lullaby and Casparo starts to dream. When waking up, he further explores his body and accidentally discovers his own image in the mirror. This triggers internal meta-level processes that make Casparo autonomous. Casparo therefore does no longer want to be a robot in the sense of being a slave, he wants to please Rosalinda by becoming a musician.


Graziano prepares Casparo for the chef’s contest, bringing a dress and cooking utensils. But Casparo is in the singing script and cannot resolve the conflicting evidence he gets from the cooking materials. Graziano is upset that his plans with Casparo are unrealisable, even more so because Rosalinda resolutely takes the side of Casparo. Graziano leaves and comes back with Kurzweil helmets, a new technology that allows a transfer of the brain state from a human brain to a computer or vice versa. After a struggle, in which Casparo resists this procedure, the brain transfer happens but due to a software error it is the brain of Casparo that gets transferred to Graziano. Rosalinda is pleased that she now has the musical mind of Casparo in the body of Graziano. And Casparo (now in the body of Graziano) is happy because he can dedicate himself to music with Rosalinda. The only one who is unhappy is Graziano who wants to get back to his old body but meanwhile Casparo (in Graziano’s body) has destroyed the Kurzweil helmets…