WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

When everything failed

If you really get stuck with the the steps above or if you only quickly want to play around with Babel2 without going through the hassle of installing Lisp, there is the option of running a completely pre-configured linux installation (with Lisp and Babel2) in a virtual machine.

For that, download and install Sun ?VirtualBox. Then download ?this virtual linux machine image and unpack the zip file. Start the Virtualbox application, register and click on Menu ? File ? Import Appliance and then select the Ubuntu.ovf file from the unpacked archive. Follow the instructions for importing.

Then start the newly imported virtual machine. It should look somehow like this:

The logged in user is called ?loetzsch? and the password is ?martin?. I strongly recommend to change that password immediately.

On the Desktop you will find a completely configured Emacs with CCL and the Babel2 release. Start the Emacs by clicking on it.

To change the screen resolution, resize the VirtualBox? Window.