%2 types of products p1 and p2: product(p1,10,0.1). %items of product p1 weighs 100gr and cost €10. product(p2,80,25). %items of product p2 weighs 25kg and cost €80. % 2 orders o1 and o2 order(o1,[p1/2],location(2,2),1). % order o1 consists of 2 items of p1 and must be % delivered before day 2 of the planning period. order(o2,[p2/1],location(2,3),2). % order o1 consists of 1 item of p2 and must be % delivered before day 3 of the planning period. % 2 depots d1 and d2: depot(d1,[p1/7],location(4,3)). % depot d1 has 7 items of p1. depot(d2,[p2/5,p1/1],location(1,1)). % depot d2 has 5 items of p2 and 1 of p1. % 2 vehicles v1 and v2 vehicle(v1,d1,100,0.75,50,0.5). % vehicle v1, is at the beginning of the planning % period located at depot d1. It has a capacity % of 100kg and moves at a pace of 0.75 min/km % (80 km/h). It costs €50 for each day of use, % and €0.50 per km driven. vehicle(v2,d2,200,1,50,0.5). % vehicle v2 differs from v1 in that it is % initially located at depot d2, has a capacity % of 200 kg and moves at 1.0 min/km (60 km/h). % 2 working days, the first and third of the % planning period: working_day(1,540,1020). % on day 1 vehicles can leave the depot as of % 9am and must return to a depot by 5pm latest. working_day(3,360,1080). % on day 3 vehicles can leave the depot as of 6am % and must return to a depot by 6pm latest. % no transport can take place on day 2 % (or 4,5,...).